1. X. L.He, X. Dong, Q. S. Wu, Z. Zhao, Q. Zhu, A. R. Oganov, Y. Tian, D. Yu, X. F. Zhou*, and H. T. Wang, “Predictingthe ground state structure of sodium boride”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 100102 (R) (2018).
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2. X.Dong, A. R. Oganov*, A. F. Goncharov, E. Stavrou,S. Lobanov, G. Saleh, G. R.Qian, Q. Zhu, C. Gatti, V. L. Deringer, R. Dronskowski, X. F. Zhou*, V. B. Prakapenka, Z. Konopková, I. A. Popov, A.I. Boldyrev, and H. T. Wang*, “A stable compound of helium and sodium at highpressure”, Nat. Chem. 9, 440 (2017).
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3. X. F. Zhou*, A. R. Oganov, Z. Wang, I. A. Popov, A. I. Boldyrev,and H. T. Wang, “Two-dimensional magnetic boron”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 085406 (2016).
4. A. J.Mannix, X. F. Zhou, B.Kiraly, J. D. Wood, D. Alducin, B. D. Myers, X. Liu, B. L. Fisher, U. Santiago,J. R. Guest, M. J. Yacaman, A. Ponce, A. R. Oganov*, M. C. Hersam*, and N. P.Guisinger*, “Synthesis of Borophenes: Anisotropic, Two-Dimensional BoronPolymorphs”, Science 350, 1513(2015).
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5. X. F. Zhou*, A. R. Oganov, X. Shao, Q. Zhu, and H. T. Wang,“Unexpected Reconstruction of the a-Boron(111) Surface”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113,176101 (2014).
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6. X. F. Zhou*, X. Dong, A. R. Oganov, Q. Zhu, Y. Tian, and H. T.Wang, “Semimetallic Two-Dimensional Boron Allotrope with Massless DiracFermions” , Phys. Rev. Lett. 112,085502 (2014).
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7. X. F. Zhou*, A. R. Oganov, G. R. Qian, and Q. Zhu, “First-PrinciplesDetermination of the Structure of Magnesium Borohydride”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 245503 (2012).
8. X. F. Zhou, A. R. Oganov, X. Dong, L. Zhang, Y. Tian, and H. T.Wang*, “Superconducting high pressure phase of platinum hydride from firstprinciples”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054543(2011).
9. X. F. Zhou, G. R. Qian, X. Dong, L. Zhang, Y. Tian, and H. T.Wang*, “Ab initio study of theformation of transparent carbon under pressure”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 134126 (2010).
10.X. F. Zhou, X. Dong, G. R. Qian, L. Zhang, Y. Tian, and H. T.Wang*, “Unusual Compression Behavior of TiO2 polymorphs from firstprinciples”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 060102(R) (2010).
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