报告题目:Atomicallyvisualizing the oxidation of metals
报告人:Guangwen Zhou,StateUniversity of New York
Guangwen Zhou is aProfessor of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering at the StateUniversity of New York (SUNY), Binghamton. He received a PhD in MaterialsScience in 2003 from the University of Pittsburgh and then did hispost-doctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory. He is the recipient of aNSF-CAREER award (2011) and SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellencein Scholarship and Creative Activities. He has published over 150articles in leading scientific journals including Nature Materials, NatureCommunications, PNAS and Physical Review Letters. His research interestsinclude materials stability in harsh environments, heterogeneous catalysis,materials synthesis and processing under nonequilibrium conditions, materialsfor energy storage/conversion, and materials characterization usingdynamic in situ electron and scanning probe microscopies,diffraction, and spectroscopy.
Acquiring theability to manipulate the microscopic processes of the oxidation of metals hashuge technological implications ranging from corrosion protection toheterogeneous catalysis. However, current understanding of the microscopicprocesses of metal oxidation has been greatly limited by the inability oftraditional experimental techniques to perform in situ measurements of thestructures, chemistry, and kinetics as the reaction progresses. The workpresented therefore encompasses an atomic-scale study of the surface oxidationof metals ranging from oxygen surface chemisorption to subsequent oxidenucleation and growth. These studies exploit the unique in situ capabilities ofmicroscopy and spectroscopy to dynamically measure the surface structure andchemistry under a wide range of oxidation conditions, which are coordinated bya number of theoretical modeling techniques ranging from the first-principlescalculations to continuum elastic theory for developing direct insight into thereaction mechanism, including oxygen adsorption sites, diffusion path, reactionbarrier, and surface/interface effects.