报告题目:Carbon-based nanostructures derived fromfullerenes at high pressure
报告人:Alexander V. Soldatov
Luleå University of Technology,Sweden
Since the discovery offullerene C60 in 1985 followed by synthesis of other molecular forms of carbon– e.g., nanotubes and graphene - these intrinsically nanostructured systemshave attracted the attention of the scientific community. This is due to a richassortment of outstanding chemical, optical, electrical and mechanicalproperties these materials exhibit: ultra-hardness and stiffness, very highcurrent density limits and charge carrier mobility, exceptional light emittingcharacteristics, to name just a few. Intermolecular interaction in thesesystems is governed by weak Van der Waals forces thus high pressure has beenused as a suitable parameter to tune their physical properties and to createnew carbon-based nanostructural compounds. In this talk we review our resultson high pressure studies of fullerenes and fullerene-based compounds: fromfullerene polymers to composite systems based on nanostructured graphene phasesynthesized from fullerene precursors.
Professionalexperience and appointments
Sept. 2002 - Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics &Mechanical Engineering, LTU, Sweden
1999 - 2002 Research associate/lecturer, Department ofPhysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
1997 - 1998 Royal Society/NATO visiting scholar, School ofChemistry, Physics and Environmental Sciences(CPES), University of Sussex, UK
1998 - 1999 Visiting research fellow, Scientific ResearchCenter Karlsruhe (FZK), Karlsruhe, Germany.
1994 – 1997 Visiting research fellow, postdoc, lecturerDepartment of Experimental Physics, Umeå University
Currentresearch interests
Synthesisof nano-structured materials (including various composite systems) using highpressure and study/characterization of their physical properties; research onmolecular electronics devices, sensors, single molecule spectroscopy; researchon materials properties at ultra-high pressure. Tribo-chemistry/physics.Conducting experiments at central facilities: synchrotron radiation (MAX III(Lund, Sweden), ESRF (Grenoble, France), CHESS (Cornell University, USA) andneutron (ISIS (Rutherford Lab., UK), ILL (Grenoble, France)) sources.