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    亚稳材料论坛第174期:High-pressure chemical interaction and phase relations in the B–N and B–P systems

    作者: 发布时间:2017-08-25 09:18:21


    报告题目:High-pressure chemical interaction and phaserelations in the B–N and B–P systems


    报告人:Vladimir L. Solozhenko  


            LSPM–CNRS, Université Paris Nord,93430 Villetaneuse, France








    Study of chemicalinteraction and phase relations in the binary B–X systems (X = N, P) atpressures to 20 GPa and temperatures to 3000 K have been performed bysynchrotron X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity measurements andquenching with the aim (i) to construct equilibrium and metastable phase p–Tdiagrams of the systems using models of phenomenological thermodynamics withinteraction parameters derived from the experimental data, and thus provide aroute to the synthesis of new boron-rich B–X phases; and (ii) tocomprehensively investigate the materials recovered from high pressure – hightemperature experiments by а rich variety of characterization techniques inorder to define their structure and properties, with particular attention paidto superhard and refractory phases whose advanced properties and thermalstability could be of technological importance.  


    This work was financiallysupported by European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programmeunder Flintstone2020 project (grant agreement No 689279).  






    Doctor of Science(Chemistry) in Physical Chemistry (D.Sc.)   1993 Moscow State University  


    Candidate of Science(Chemistry) in Physical Chemistry (Ph.D.) 1984 MoscowState University  


    Honours Diploma inChemistry (M.S.)                      1980 Moscow State University  


    Field ofresearch  


    Phase formation in theB–C–N–O–X system at high pressures and temperatures – thermodynamics andkinetics  


    High-pressure physicalchemistry of boron nitride, boron-rich solids and related materials  


    Search for novelsuperhard phases  




    448 publications inhigh-pressure science, physical chemistry and superhard materials including    


    207 peer-reviewed papers,42 invited lectures, 110 communications to scientific meetings, 15 patents  





