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    亚稳材料论坛第205期:Harnessing Mechanics to Battle Materials Degradation and Human Diseases

    作者: 发布时间:2018-06-22 16:37:45


    报告题目:Harnessing Mechanics to Battle Materials Degradation and HumanDiseases


    报告人:Sulin Zhang


                The Pennsylvania State University, United States








    Dr. Sulin Zhang received his BS from Dalian University of Scienceand Technology in 1994, MS from Tsinghua University in 1997, PhD from theDepartment of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM) in the University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2002. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow inNorthwestern University. He is currently a Professor in Department ofEngineering Science and Mechanics and Department of Biomedical Engineering atPenn State University. Dr. Zhang’s research interest lies in the roles ofmechanical forces and stresses in materials, chemistry, biology and medicine.He is the recipient of the Early Career Development Award from National ScienceFoundation in 2007 and the PSEAS Outstanding Research Award in 2016 from PennState. Dr. Zhang is severing as an Associated Editor for the journal “ExtremeMechanics Letters”, and an editorial board member for “Nature Partner Journalof Computational Materials”.





    In various chemical processes, either biochemical orelectrochemical, mechanical stress generation and transmission takes place inparallel and interacts reciprocally with mass diffusion and chemical reaction.How might the mechanics-electrochemistry reciprocity be harnessed for energystorage and energy harvesting, and unharnessed in battery degradation? In thesimilar vein, how the mechanics-biochemistry crosstalk is regulated indevelopment and repair, and dysregulated in disease and injury? These questionshave been stimulating new understanding at the interfaces between mechanics andother disciplines including materials, chemistry, biology and medicine. Here Iwill show a set of phenomena in energy-storage materials and living organismsto highlight the crosstalk. Emphasis will be placed on the fundamentalprinciples of mechanics, which underlie materials design, energy harvesting, diseasecontrol, and nanomedicine innovation.