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    亚稳材料论坛第185期:Recent Advances in Static and Dynamic High-Pressure Research

    作者: 发布时间:2017-12-05 09:23:47


    报告题目:Recent Advances in Static and Dynamic High-Pressure Research


    报告人:Yingwei Fei(费英伟)








    Pressure is an important variable to explore new materials andnovel properties. Simulating high-pressure and temperature is essential tounderstand interior processes of planets. There are significant advances instatic and dynamic compression techniques in recent years. Static compression techniques can now achieve pressures over 200 GPa more routinely using diamond cell, whereas laser-driven or magnetically-driven dynamic compression techniques are capable of reaching over 1000 GPa, opening new research directions in Earth and planetary sciences, condensed matter physics, and materials science. Use of sintered diamond anvils in the multi-anvilexperiments has not only extended the pressure range, but also allowed tooptimize sample volume at high pressure. He will review new developments in staticand dynamic experimental techniques with applications to Earth and planetary sciencesand materials synthesis.




    Dr. Fei received his B. S. from Zhejiang University, China (1982),and Ph.D. from City University of New York (1989). He joined the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1988, and is now as enior staff scientist at the Institution. He is also an adjunct professor at University of Maryland and Peking University. He has published over 200 research papers and edited 2 books, including 12 publications in Science and Nature. He received Hou Defeng Medal from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1990, Norton Senior Fellowship (1992-1996) from Norton Company, Mineralogical Societyof America Award (1999), and Crosby Visiting Lectureship from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2000). He is a life MSA Fellow (1999) and an elected AGU Fellow (2010) for his pioneering work in mineral and rock physics,discoveries of new phases, and simulation of deep Earth and Mars processes using a variety of high-pressure experiments. He was selected as Cheung KongScholar Chair Professor in 2008. He is also a Geochemistry Fellow (2013) selected by the Geochemical Society (GS) and the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) for his major contribution to the field of geochemistry. He served as an associate editor for American Mineralogists, Chinese Science Bulletin, and Journal of Geophysical Research. Dr. Fei is interested in phase transitions, element partitioning, melting relations, chemical reactions and physical properties with applications to geophysics, geochemistry, planetaryscience, and material science.