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    亚稳材料论坛第171期:New Stable/Metastable Materials from high pressure

    作者: 发布时间:2017-08-13 08:36:15


    报告题目:New Stable/Metastable Materials from highpressure


    报告人:Dr. Timothy A. Strobel








    A vast number oflow-energy, metastable states lie slightly above the tie lines that connectpoints on the convex hull. Thus, for any given system, it is statisticallyprobable that a specific property exhibited by the ground-state structure isnot the optimal one that is possible. It is therefore desirable to developstrategies for the synthesis of metastable materials, which may havealternative properties from the ground state. Here, we delineate thermodynamicand metastable synthesis processes and describe the use of high-energyprecursor molecules that may assemble into extended networks under elevatedpressure, resulting in new metastable compositions that are recoverable toambient conditions. We will summarize recent studies on precursor molecules withnitrile and alkynyl functionalities, describe new nitride and pernitridecompounds, show novel carbide and borocarbide phases as well as recent progresson group 14 semiconductors. Finally, we will describe a theoretical frameworkthat can be used to help guide pathway-based synthesis.



    Dr.Timothy A. Strobel2008年博士毕业于美国科罗拉多矿业大学。同年,进入美国华盛顿卡内基研究院地球物理实验室从事博士后研究(Carnegie Fellow)。2010年,任命为Research Scientist2011年任命为Staff Scientist。研究成果发表在Nature MaterialsScience AdvancesNature Commun.PRLJACSApplied Physics Reviews等期刊上,受邀做国际会议报告40多次。