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    作者: 发布时间:2015-01-02 15:32:34

    报告题目:Deformation Behaviour of Materials at the Nanoscale
    报告人:廖晓舟教授  澳大利亚悉尼大学


    Nanomaterials have demonstrated superior mechanical properties. These superior mechanical properties are closely related to the deformation behaviour unique to the nanomaterials and the deformation behaviour is determined by the dimensions and microstructures of the materials. In this presentation, I will discuss some of our previous ex-situ and in-situ straining transmission electron microscopy investigation results and will focus on three points: (1) effect of grain size on the deformation mechanisms, (2) effect of stacking fault energy on grain refinement mechanisms in bulk metallic materials, and (3) effect of materials dimensions on the mechanical properties of one-dimensional nanomaterials.

    Brief Bio of Prof. Xiaozhou Liao:

    Prof. Xiaozhou Liao is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the University of Sydney (USyd), Australia. He conducted his Masters research in Dalian University of Technology and Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy under the supervision of Prof. Kehsin Kuo (郭可信院士) and his PhD research in USyd under the supervision of Prof. David Cockayne FRS. Prof. Liao received his PhD degree in 2000. He was awarded an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship after his PhD. He moved to USA taking up a Director Funded Postdoctoral Fellowship in Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2001 and was a research scientist in the University of Chicago from 2004 to 2006. He returned to USyd as a lecturer in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering in June 2006 and was promoted to full professor in January 2013.

    Prof. Liao's research interest focuses on ex-situ and in-situ electron microscopy characterization of advanced structural and functional materials including nanomaterials and the structure–property relationships of materials. The materials that he has worked on include nanostructured metallic materials produced by severe plastic deformation, semiconductor quantum dots, semiconductor nanowires, superconducting materials, and carbon nanotubes. Prof. Liao has published more than 190 papers in journals including Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, and Acta Materialia. According to Scopus, his papers have been collectively cited over 6,700 times and the h-index of his publications has reached 47.




